須田 貴世子

須田 貴世子 Kiyoko Suda


Kiyoko Suda is producing casting bronze objects in Nagano. She gets inspiration for casting molds form objects around us, such as plant, paper, and cloth. With these casting molds, liquid material is being solidified again and become delicate objects. Even though the whole process is time-consuming, it allows us to make delicate and creative shapes. Without any metal finishing chemicals, all her works get their unique and meaningful texture after being exposed to weather. Also because of that, her works look like antique and seems that they are waiting to share you their attractive story. She mainly produces art works, flower vases and accessories.


1982埼玉県生まれ Born in Saitama Prefecture
2009東京芸術大学・大学院修了 Completed Graduate School of Tokyo University of the Arts

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