林 友子

林 友子 Yuko Hayashi


Yuko Hayashi use plastering materials, including soil, sand, and straws, to create art object. By a unique method, making wooden base and applying layers of plastering materials to the base, the taste of soil could perfectly remain in the work. She mainly creates frameworks, as well as planar artworks. While you touch her work, it would be like touching the soil and give you a feeling of warmth and stability. Her work looks so quiet and simply that it could become a perfect companion for everyday life.


1968東京都生まれ Born in Tokyo
1990女子美術大学 産業デザイン科工芸専攻 卒業 Graduated from Joshibi University of Industrial Design with a concentration in Craft
ディスプレイ会社勤務後 木工制作を始める Worked at a display company and started to produce woodworking works
東京藝術大学・田口安男教授に西洋古典金箔技法の指導を受ける Received guidance in western classical gold leaf technique from Yasuo Taguchi, a professor of Tokyo University of the Arts
その後、左官材、箔、木地などを使い、額縁を中心に様々な表現に取り組む  Use plastering materials, gold leaf and wood to creates art works such as frameworks
2005年以降、個展、グループ展などで作品を発表 Later, presents new artworks in solo or group exhibition
2019 2022 ギャラリーやまほんにて個展開催

2005年以后 参与个展以及群展,发布新作品
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8件 [ 1-8 ]